Thursday, 27 April 2017

MEST1 PPE: learner reponse 2

1) Type up any feedback or comments from your paper in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

Section 1
  • Clearly number your paragraphs
  • No speech marks reference to the clip
  • Back up your points by linking back to the question
Section 2
  • Mention platform broadcast
  • Use key words e.g shape, values, attitude etc 
  • make sure to be answering the questions at all times

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade in AS Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?

I need about 14 more marks to reach my desired grade.

4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question?

My strongest question was the question on how the family was presented as unit. However, looking back at the marked version of the essay there are still improvement to be made.

5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time?

Yes, the last question with section A was slightly weaker as i had the least amount of time and required knowledge needed to answer it. Also i did not make enough notes to recall points about the clip within my plan.

 Rewrite your answer for your weakest question in Section A. This should now be a detailed, three-paragraph, level-4 response.

Does the BBC inform, educate and entertain?

The BBC is viewed throughout the whole of the UK and therefore it has a duty as public service broadcaster to represent and inform different regions accurately. Regional identity can be expressed through accents, characteristics and stereotypes such as in the clip, the workers had a distinct accents that allowed the audience to recognise that they were from Northern England.

Also throughout the clip, we were able to see their customs such as drinking teas, group activity games etc which is educational as it depicts their working environment as less professional and traditional.               Lastly, this allows the audience to know how much they value entertainment and socialising with each other. In addition, it allows the audience to compare and learn about different working environments of different working classes.

Lastly, it can be used to represent the overall lifestyle of Northern England which tend to be from a lower class in society. We can see this through the scrap yard, clothes etc. This is in relation to the Medhur's theory where stereotypes and custom can be shorthand identification. 

8) Question focus in the most important factor for a top-level response. Did you use the key words in the question in every paragraph? Did each paragraph contain a topic sentence that used the keywords from the question?

I genuinely tried to keep use key words and theories within my essay however it is evident that i fell short of that.

9) Choose one paragraph from your Section B essay and re-write it to improve question focus, examples and written English if applicable. Make sure it is answering the question

The Tedx talk helded by Ben Drew was used to reshape the abc1 viewers of ill manors and other urban films thoughts and views on situations that these films try to tackle.
The Tedx talk was aimed at more middle class, white and male viewers as it has clear more professional and academic setting. Also, extremely unlikely to be interested in musical background or other forms of promotional forms to advising the films such as tag london campaign.
Lastly, the Tedx talk allowed the viewers to have a more insightfully understanding and grasp of aims and motives of the film.

12) Finally, identify three things you will do differently in the real exam in two weeks. These can refer to preparation, notetaking, Section A or Section B - it is up to you. 

Linking every point back to the question and making sures there is a relation between the point and question.
Secondly, writing more points and further detailed points on the ones already made.
Lastly, Controlling my timing better.